Originally posted by LaraMoon:
Hey, James - what's your icon btw... the images flash too quick for me to figure out who the people are. frown
It is actually three people, if you ignore that fact that they are actors. You probably don't know any of them...

At the start of the cycle, it is a young couple kissing. It is a memory that is shared by the older woman and the young Jack Carter, Sheriff of Eureka.

In that particular episode, they REALLY need to know how to stop a M.A.D. (Mutually Assured Destruction) Death Ray(Jack's words, not mine) and the scientist that built the thing sort of went off the deep back in the 60's when he didn't get the Nobel Prize.

So, they hook up Jack to a gizmo(my words) that allows you to experiance another's person's memories.

Jack later meets the fiance of the scientist and finds that he remembers being in love with her as well, thus him kissing her.

It's a great series.

More time, please. I'm *so* not ready!
Your wish has been granted. I had originally forgotten about how the Kerths would affect this, so let's take advantage of the pause between nominations and voting and shift the due date to March 9.


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!