Oh heck, I'll give it a go smile

I drove two hours in the back seat today and since the engine was too loud to talk, I now have a story outline for a crossover fic in my head.

1. Series you are crossing over with.
Men in Trees

2. Character(s) from #1 that you are picking.
Patrick, Annie, Jerome, probably Buzz, Ben, Chief Celia, uh, and yeah, maybe I should include Marin and Jack, too wink

3. Featured guest LnC character(s) you are going to pair #2 with.
Lois, Clark, Perry, guest appearances by other newsroom staff

Special guest star: the KING

Btw, I have posted a Poll about this crossover fic-a-thon over in Fun With Polls, it would be great if you took the time:
This Poll Will Change Your Life

Thanks and looking forward to the fic-a-thon experience,


kill a cliché, save a reader