Was asked a few questions offline that deserve to be answered online as they are really good questions.

1.Why do I have to name the characters which I want to pair up (sometimes, a story just develops and you don't know who will end up being part of it or not) instead of just naming the show I want to crossover with?

If you are going to do a general crossover between shows without specifically pairing up individual characters from both fandoms, then that is ok. I realize I said in an earlier thread that I was looking for specific pair ups, but as I listened to the wisdom of my wife, I realized that some people just aren't wired that way and so this has developed into an anything goes (please keep this PG or PG13!)In that case just say various characters with various characters.

2. By "pairing them up", do you just mean that they all have to appear in the story, i.e. is it not important, who is more of a lead and more of a supporting character, or should I really set them up in pairs? (This is probably the most stupid question, but I'm just making sure)

The only stupid question is the un-asked one.

Doesn't really matter who is the lead and who is the support. In one crossover pairing that I read, Dawn from Buffy and Draco Malfory form HP were the main leads in the story.

They can be however you want.

Does this work on a "first come, first served" basis or could I also write a crossover with a show already "taken" by another author?

As you can see from my example, I decided to take Stargate, just like Dandello (heck, I'm even using Trask!)

All really good questions. Glad that they were asked.

My New Year's Resolution is to be an easy taskmaster...NOW GET TO WRITING!!!

evil James evil

“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!