Mmmmm! Chocolate! wink

Here's mine (it comes with a little happy dance, 'cause I'm all excited that I was able to come up with something this time around!)


"It's smaller than I thought," Clark had commented, holding up his Kerth award.

He couldn’t have been more wrong, Lois thought, still hanging on his arm decoratively. There was nothing small about it. It was huge.

"You win a few of these, you find out they don't mean much," she lied.

Oh, she was proud of him, of course. He was her partner, after all. But this award – the one she hadn’t even been nominated for – had a lot more meaning than Clark knew. It stood as proof that Lois Lane was no longer the one, the only, the best.


Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies