Great story! Very entertaining from beginning to end...I thought it had a wonderful flow to it, and I really liked the ending smile

"What?" She snapped as she flung open the passenger door and ducked into her newly designated seat.

"Hi?" He hinted as he slid slowly behind the wheel.

Lois rolled her eyes at his constant need for proper etiquette. "Hi, how are you, let's get going. Now can you drive?"
Can totally picture this exchange--Clark being "Clark" and Lois being exasperated with him--very first season. Great! help


Lois huffed irritably. “I broke into Star Labs, okay? Look, after the whole thing with Trask when he attacked you and your family, I got worried. And when you told me about what he thought about that… that Kryptonite, I had to find out for myself. So, I did some research for a while, secretly looked up who might have access to some, spent the last two weeks learning the ins and outs of the building and getting familiar with the people there. And about a half hour ago, I broke in and took some. Look-- this has got to be it! It is real!”
Both confessions so "Lois"....a very quick, 'drag it out of her' explanation......and then she's babbling like a brook. Loved this part hyper

How often did he use his powers in non-rescue situations? Did he always heat his drinks that way? His food? Her food? Little things came flooding through her mind, things that didn't add up over the past several months. How her once cold coffee had gotten warm again, how he'd maybe responded to something she said that she hadn't thought he could hear. All those times when he ran off to go "call the police" or some other nonsense like that and then turn around two seconds later and fly to the rescue as Superman. She couldn't believe it. Her partner was Superman. Clark Kent, the man she sat less than ten feet away from every day at work and argued and bantered with. The man who wore ridiculous ties and took three sugars in his full fat latte and went back for two donuts in the bullpen. The man who single-handedly lifted a rocket into outer space and who saved her innumerable times.
Really liked this paragraph as she's coming to terms with everything...great 'reminders' pulled from their friendship over the last year.

Lois shook her head, trying to snap herself out of it. She knew it was the combination of worry, confusion and the lateness of the hour that was making her so giddy. Brushing away her tears and slowly coming down off her hilarity, she breathed a sigh. "I'm okay, Clark. You don't need to worry."

"I always worry about you."

Lois turned to look into his eyes, and the most honest, hopeful, sorry expression she'd ever seen on his face stared back at her. Immediately, her giddiness was gone, and there was an unresolved tension in the room. She couldn't turn her eyes away, as much as she wanted to escape from the unwanted intensity of it all. "I," she tried, but suddenly found her words stuck behind a lump in her throat.
Really liked how you had her go into a fit of laughter...those moments--when all of a sudden you just sorta 'crack' and loose control like that laughing--that feeling seemed to be very fitting to where Lois' emotions would be's late, in Clark's kitchen, w/o a kettle, with a water-logged broken vehicle, and a 'super' partner somewhat passed out on the couch. And it all is sinking in dance . Lovin' it!!!

Clark laughed, glad she was able to take it with good humor. He bit his lip. “So… Are we okay?”

Lois thought about it for a moment-- a moment too long for Clark’s liking. He was about to open his mouth and start apologizing some more when she cut him off with a hard, passionate kiss to his lips.

When the kiss broke apart, and they were both quite breathless, Lois finally smiled and gave him the response he was looking for.

“Yeah. We’re okay.”
Can not find any fault when a story ends with sloppy ....great job--loved it! Keep the ending--perfect!


"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~