clap You did both a secret-keeping story and a reveal story all twisted together into one.

Who ever knew that Clark didn't drive due to epilepsy? I'd have never guessed. Although, it does explain why he seemed to go into a daze whenever he sees flashing red lights.

I do wonder how STAR Labs ended up with a Kryptonite sample, unless -- of course -- they are the lab that Irig sent his sample to.

I named this one "again" because John Lambert also posted a fic for this challenge before I got the chance to.
Perhaps an alternative title might be "Don't Take the Keys!" evil

It seems natural that Lois wouldn't give up her hunt for that elusive stuff that Trask said would make Superman dead. I'm a little curious where exactly Lois and Clark were going though. She stole the Kryptonite from STAR Labs and *wasn't* going to write it up at the DP, then where were they going? Only Lois would think to break into the heavily guarded STAR Labs to test a theory. Hopefully, they up their security after this.

Actually, now that I think about it, this is a triple reveal and a cover-up. Lois reveals how far she'll go for a story (especially one on Superman), Clark accidentally reveals he's SM, Lois covers-up the revelation to the EMTs by helping Clark get out of going to the hospital, and then Clark admits he loves Lois. That's some putting all his cards on the table at once. A big gamble. Luckily, with Lois, the pot was worth it.

LOIS: Who are you calling a pot, Mr. Kettle?

Fun story. I can so picture Lois using this against Clark the next time... every time... as the reason why she should always drive. laugh

"Maybe you can help up both out a bit and lean up against the wall until I get the door open?"
I think you wanted "us" here, and not "up".

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.