Hattie stills amazes me! But JJ is the prize here!

He was always comfortable with her, much more so than anyone, other than his cousins. She and he would tease each other, but Hattie never teased him about the one thing that really bothered him, his weight. As a child and young teen JJ had had a weight problem and between that and his flame colored hair he was a ripe target for all of the bullies in school. That poor self image was the reason that JJ had never asked Hattie out on a date.
That explains why he seems to hold back and let Hattie take the reins.

It had torn him up when he had gone away to college and then when he went to another city to work at the Gazette he had almost given up hope of seeing her again. When Aunt Lois had contacted him with the job offer, the idea that he would be returning to Metropolis and seeing Hattie again he couldn't accept the offer quickly enough and then when he was told that they would be partnered, he was in seventh heaven. It was simply a dream come true. He was still pinching himself.
Uh JJ, there is this really nifty gadget, its called a phone ....

Setting her bag on the ground, she and JJ both knelt down next to the manhole cover, one on each side. There were holes in the cover just large enough for them to slip their fingers in. He said, “Let me.” He managed to raise the manhole cover and set it aside. Hattie actually didn’t contribute too much to moving the plate. She was distracted, watching the play of the muscles of his arms and abs when he moved the heavy steel plate, making it look like it was nothing at all. A fleeting thought crossed her mind, <And he’s not from the Kent side of the family. He had to work for this.>
I'm so glad she appreciates him! At least it didn't take years for her to come to that conclusion. Kam-El is nice, but JJ is more her speed.

Now, about Ms. Kaplan ....

Thinking her unconscious her assailant spoke and she heard, “It’s a good thing for me I got here early tonight. I might not have known that I had been found out. I could have walked right into a trap. Such a shame. Pretty girl like you putting your nose in where it doesn’t belong. Well, actually, this works out for me. They will find their bomber or at least what’s left of her. They’ll think she accidentally blew herself up while planting a bomb. This could complicate the plan. If the bombings stop now, the council might not vote for the bill, but I don’t see any other way.”
Not a smart move, talking when you think your victim is out like a light! confused
Duct Tape! She'll never get out in time! Time to call for Aunt Lois!

Oh, she did!

It was cool to see you added Bernie Klein to the story, he is my favorite. Even more so than Dr. Emil Hamilton. Although here he seems to have a razor sharp memory! wink Since when does he remember guests at a wedding? Must have been a pretty special event. rotflol

The test for nitro was pure Klein, especially the 'the hands are quicker than the eyes' comment. He really was trying to make this easier for them to understand. Good thing, because I was a little lost by it. Nonetheless the experiment explains how Hattie and JJ got those headaches, but it neglects to explain how/why the nitro got on the card in the first place. Next installment?

All in all this has been another neat entry to the Hattie and JJ saga. They are too cute together!


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.