Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Awwwwww! How sweet! You know how I love a good alt-Clark story.
Glad you liked it! i figured if anyone deserved some WAFF, it was him.
I like how much like S1 Lois your alt-Lois is, but without the anger. Hesitant, shy, cautious, babbling brookish (in the talking before thinking way).

And Clark's just in 7th heaven. Patient. Very nice.
Glad that came across all right. I was worried I was just gonna end up making them too weak or something.

I was surprised to see Cat with Jimmy, but I guess him being rich and owner of the DP made up for him being much, much younger.
laugh Hey, even Cat can't change that much. And I'm sure Jimmy doesn't have a problem with it...

I wish I could write patience like you wrote Clark's, but since I don't have any (unless you count procrastination on housework), my characters usually don't either.
blush blush Thanks blush blush

I hope your dinner party ended with a nice kiss too.
I don't kiss and tell... wink But nah. We're still kind of dancing around each other.

Glad you liked!

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain