Awwwwww! hyper

It seemed so much like Perry to set this "dinner party" up and then not show at the last minute. Sneaky mayor.

I like how much like S1 Lois your alt-Lois is, but without the anger. Hesitant, shy, cautious, babbling brookish (in the talking before thinking way).

And Clark's just in 7th heaven. Patient. Very nice.

I was surprised to see Cat with Jimmy, but I guess him being rich and owner of the DP made up for him being much, much younger.

I wish I could write patience like you wrote Clark's, but since I don't have any (unless you count procrastination on housework), my characters usually don't either. laugh

Thanks for breaking out of your evil shell and showing us your soft underbelly! I was afraid I wouldn't be getting any more takers and everyone would go evil on me. (We've got enough Evil in RL at the moment, I'll take comedy and WAFF in my stories where I can get it). I hope your dinner party ended with a nice kiss too. [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.