First of all, thank you all so much for the very kind words. I really was worried about how well this would work. Beverly was my only beta on this and she has a tendency to be less-than-critical when she reviews my stories. I'm very happy that so many are enjoying the story.

Maybe Clark should have listened to Zara and Ching.
But everything was going so well... The reality is that I don't think any of us would be willing to listen to this type of caution unless we had some very hard evidence that there was a danger. Well, Clark did get the evidence, he just got it a little late.

Oh my gosh, what a riot! "Everybody knows that!"
I'm very happy that it worked for you. Naturally I thought it was funny, but you never know until you read the FDK. smile

And it was the first memory-wipe kiss I ever came across that I actually liked. (I wouldn't be surprised if it were the last one, too.)
thud High praise indeed. I... Thank you.
I think you meant "identity."
I did and it is fixed now. Thank you.

ROFLOL!!! Poor Clark. I can see a sequel.
Thanks, but even though I have a few thoughts, I'm not sure they would do justice to the idea. Of course, one never knows.

The erase kiss is a great idea, it is one of the best revelation story!
Thank you.
Who would have thought that telepathy could be so dangerous!
Clearly not Clark. smile

I love how you found an in canon reason for the kiss to work in this universe
Actually, the first place I saw the connection between the Superman II “magic kiss” and the LnC Kryptonian telepathy was in Dandello's “Plane Storm”. I would like to think I might have made the connection had I never read “Plane Storm”, but I did see in in Dandello's work first.
And that last line...priceless.

Now, I'm a person that thinks that Perry already knows The Secret, so it's OK that he proof-read this article. Bob, the way you wrote this makes me think that you think that Perry already knows The Secret too.
Well, in a word... Yes. Or at the very least, he was all but sure. Remember that this is set in Season 5+. He's seen the interaction between Lois, Clark and Superman for a long time. He's their friend, but as has been pointed out in many a story, he knows how to observe.

Who says you can't write comedy? Very well done!
Well, thank you. But I still find it very challenging. I am in awe of people like Mary (Queenie) that can turn out funny story after funny story.
When you mentioned that his family had the strongest telepathic abilities on Krypton, I thought he was going to accidentally share his thoughts to Lois with the whole world (or just Metropolis).
That has me thinking that there are a lot of potential stories that can pick up as soon as he returns to Earth. There are an almost endless set of possibilities. And, to be honest, many of them are very NOT funny.
This is great! Big surprise ending. Love it!
Again, thank you so much!
