Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Really, Clark? Is that the answer to all of your ex-girlfriend problems? You set them all on dates with other men? [Linked Image] evil Ooooh. Are you going to make Mayson try to get Lois killed? Make her a nasty ex-girlfriend? Nah, probably not.

Thanks for making James Olsen stand up to Clark and Lois and give them a hard time for Lois disappearing before. Can't make life too easy for those Kents.

Dan Scardino. Wow, you've made him into quite a slimebucket. Asking out a married Lois. <<shakes head>> And *this* is the prime meat Clark thinks he should set up with Mayson.

MAYSON: Thanks, Clark. Thanks a lot. Tells me how much you really care.

So, they're aren't keeping the marriage a secret. Wonder when it will hit the fan? I'm guessing the next day when the front page of the DP announces, Superman Marries! <<Olsen would be an idiot to let that scoop by, even if Clark is one of his employees>>

It's been a while since we've been in alt-dimension, but can you refresh our memories on what happened to this Lex? Did Miranda kill him? There have been so many Lex's over the Volumes I've forgotten what happened to this one. For some reason, I thought he was still around but Clark made some reference otherwise.
Actually if I remember correctly the Newtrich Sisters killed Lex, just after Miranda had infected her and he fell madly in love with Mayson Drake. That was back when Clark was just out of college and not yet in Metropolis, when he was also hiding out in the Congo just after Lois died.

I also have to second that Scardino is a sleaze-ball. Asking Lois out before he saw the ring was one thing, but trying to get her to still go after seemed to be trying to lure her into an affair. Worse yet, it almost seems he is really only scared because he knows that CK=SM. If he didn't know that fact, he might not even give up the chase when learning the husband was there.

John Pack Lambert