Hi Virginia,

Setting up the ‘other’ women with other men. It worked with Lana, why not give it a try. Also it worked in that other universe where she was supposed to die.

It was better for them to call her than for her to see their joint byline in the next edition don’t you think?

I get the feeling that Lois is going to run interference, don’t you? She is quite capable.

Dan is quite the dog isn’t he? Not all that different in any universe.

Why Dan? Don’t forget, when Clark was on that mission where he saved Mayson she did wind up with him and that only took a day or so. Who knows what a longer association could do. All it took before was him taking a bullet meant for her. Let’s see how this works out. Besides, do you think it would be a case of “Mayson, Daniel … Daniel, Mayson. Have a nice life together” I don’t think so, that wouldn’t be … subtle.

Headline “Superman Marries!!!” I don’t think so. No, they are not keeping it a secret but there will be some discretion used and it will not be a banner headline. Low key is the watchword.

Let’s see, you asked about Luthor. Way back in Volume 4 while Clark was working at the local Planet office in Brazzaville a notice came in over the wire service that the Newtrich sisters had sliced and diced him with their laser at the White Orchid Ball. The timing of the laser attack was different in Alt 1 and its offshoots as well as the motive. Superman wasn’t around yet so he wasn’t the target. It was simply revenge against Luthor that was the motive. That was how the authorities discovered his involvement in the rackets.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

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