Actually, I just wrote an analysis paper in Astronomy last week-- and I got a hundred percent on it! Can you believe it? Mr. Tempus never gives out perfect scores. He says I might have a real future in the field if I were interested."
Waaaaiiit a minute. Are we talking about time-traveling Tempus or his predecessor? If it's Tempus it's an interesting (and extremely) subtle way to convince Clark not to go into journalism. Might be interesting to see what could happen if that were the case.

Well, I think a little change never hurt anyone. You could always switch back later if you find out you don't like it later on. And-- Clark Jerome Kent! You use a glass!"

Clark flushed and lowered the milk jug away from his mouth. The ways of college life must be creeping up on him. He sped over and grabbed a glass from the cabinet to pour himself some milk.

Clark's brain and mouth hadn't quite caught up with each other yet. "You work at the Daily Planet?"

Finally, exasperated, Lois turned and looked at him. She gave him a good once over but kept her features neutral. "Yeah, what's it to you?"

Clark nearly shrank back at another rebuff. "Nothing. I always wanted to work there when I was growing up. Spent my first two years of college majoring in journalism."

Dr. Lane turned and gave him a surprised look. "Journalism too? You're just a jack of all trades, aren't you?"

Clark smiled genuinely at that compliment, and noticed Lois giving him an odd sort of stare all of the sudden.
Interesting. The fact that he knows journalism might help him be a sounding board for her that she just might use. Although the fact that he's associated with her father might well put him in the "no way I'm dating him!" territory in her mind.

"So, Lois," he began, unsure of where to go from here. "Do you know any good places around here for lunch?" Why do I make myself sound so cheesy?

But to his surprise, Lois smiled at him. As he turned and held open the front door for her, she replied, "I think I know a couple of places..."
Well, this went better than I thought.

H.G. Wells sat across the street from Dr. Lane's office on a bench, holding a Daily Planet newspaper to hide himself from any prying eyes. He watched carefully from the pages as Lois Lane and Clark Kent stepped onto the pavement and began an almost hesitant journey together down the street, the first of what promised to be many afternoons shared in the future.

Herb smiled. Another one of Tempus' plans foiled.
So it looks like it was THE Tempus. Although I can't see how this one would have worked. Lois often checks in at STAR Labs even without Superman so there'd still be that possibility.

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)