Nice feedbacks. Good feedbacks, Here, little feedbacks, come and get your verbs. If you're really nice, you can have a couple of adverbs as dessert!

Morgana, thanks for the comments about the press conference and how Lex came across. That's pretty much how I wanted my readers to see him. Gladd you liked Bobbie, too. And I think Karen almost wet herself while facing down Ultra Woman, and when she found out about her dead comrades. It's hard not to be intimidated by someone who speaks to you in such a commanding tone.

Thanks for staying with the first two stories, John. The second one was pretty long, too, so I'm glad this one is making sense to you now.

AmyPrime, those toxins were pretty permanent, weren't they? I'm trying to present Arianna Carlin as someone who's trying to wrap up a bunch of loose ends before leaving the stage for the last time.

Framwork4, glad you're still with us. Yes, Roberta is modeled after Kyra Sedgewick's character Brenda Leigh Johnson, but with some definite differences. We'll see some of those differences when she shows up again later, although Bobbie isn't going to be a major character in the story.

Next chapter up very soon! Hope you all enjoy it too.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing