(Connell <-------- oh, look, there's no 'y')
blush I'm so sorry, Yvonne! That was unforgivable, to spell your name incorrectly. What was I thinking - umm, I wasn't thinking too much of anything - it was 3:00am. :rolleyes:

We have to find another celebration to have more stories!!
I concur! In fact, I said so in another thread already. We should have a special day to honor the FDK Bunch. And that includes you, too, Jose! smile1

P.S. Any more to post in the queue, Ursie?
I'm struggling with the sequel to TAS. My wonderfully eagle-eyed beta Tricia shot a lot of holes in my very first chapter and I'm trying to fix what she so severely (but rightfully) threw out the window. Another example of how very valuable our beta's are! thumbsup

I'm so glad you enjoyed this little story, Jana, CC, Lynn, Julia, Yvonne, Jose, LabRat and Wendy. Your comments made me laugh from ear to ear.

Ursie wave

Lois: Well, I like my quirks. I think they make me unique.
Clark: You certainly are unique.

Clark: You're high maintenance, you know that?
Lois: But I'm worth it!