Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Originally posted by scifiJoan:
[b] Just a minor question. I'm a little confused as to why Alt-Clark and Lois would have memories of Superman eating the bomb. Unless canon Lois told Alt-Clark about it during her brief visit. But Lois' time alterations took place after this occured so it seems like she shouldn't have any lingering memories. (I love this stuff.)

Both alt-Clark and canon Clark ate bombs on their inital outtings as Superman :rolleyes: . Alt-Clark at the Mayoral Debate. Canon Clark on the Prometheus transport. Lois is remembering her Clark eatting the bomb, not alt-Clark. [/b]
I'd forgotten about Alt-Clark's first events blush . If Lois can remember the original time line, why can't others like Perry and Jimmy? Is it because she's traveled during that time line? Kinda of like Men in Black 3?
