Oh dear! I believe I’m a tad late. /pulls out smartphone-sized appliance/ Good thing I’ve got a temporal displacement app on my phone.

“Really? Love conquers all?” Lois scoffed, pushing the paper back towards him. “You were engrossed in an anniversary announcement?”
/shrugs/ He probably figures that mental decline would be the only way Lois would ever consider sharing a life with him?

He was her best friend and that was too important for her to risk for some mere flirtation.

She sighed. Rule number three.
“Always lock up story notes before sleeping with your partner when you’re feeling frisky”?

“Every day. Every part. Especially the corrections. I like to know if I ever make a mistake,” he replied, taking a sip of coffee. “It’s important to me.”
To be fair, when he’s not watched, he can do it in a couple of seconds.

“Well, you’ll never see my name in the corrections box, unless the typesetter misspelled it. I don’t make mistakes.”
/cocks eyebrow/

She hated that the Superman clone made her look at the real man differently. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying and failing to block the images, the fear, and adrenaline from resurfacing.
Oh, great…

Cat sidled up to the male reporter and pinched his butt, causing him to jump. “Morning, Clark,” she purred.

“There is more to Irish people than the color green and shamrocks – and pinching people,”
Well, duh! There’s also leprechauns, druids, and pots of gold.

“Did you just agree with me that Valentine’s Day was a commercial holiday?”

Lois grinned in victory. “So, ‘love triumphs all’ Kent believes Valentine’s Day is commercial. Do go on. I’ve got to hear this.”
“Well, you see, after you did not fall for me on Valentine’s Day, I’ve now given up on the holiday.”

If you truly love someone, you tell them every day in all the little things you do.”
Problem is, Lois only notices grand gestures that float.

“Terribly sorry, Ms. Lane, two dozen Kerth worthy stories,” he corrected himself with faux dramatic embellishment.

“Clark Kent in love,” she replied, turning away to answer her phone, before she had a chance to shoot him a mischievous grin.

Would Superman see her killing the story a little thing or a big thing?

After dessert of white chocolate mousse,
White? Umm… *white*? confused

. When she had returned home that night, her apartment had been filled with roses.
Ooooooohhhh, creepy!

At her apartment, he produced a small bag of dark chocolate shavings – actual chocolate, not that powdered stuff that came in a box – with which he made from-scratch hot chocolate, using real milk, a pot, and a stove, to warm her up.

I thought you wouldn’t mind this – before Ralph got any crazy ideas.” His eyes widened in trepidation. “I’m not too late, am I?”
/suddenly gets flash of Ralph ‘pinching’ very inappropriate body parts on his female colleagues/

. But it sounded as if to her that Ralph’s life meant nothing. She couldn’t resist the huge grin that spread across her face. “I couldn’t agree more.”

Lex never smiled at her like she was his entire world.
Yes. Well. Lex is a world travelled businessman and connoisseur of the female form. Clark’s just a country bumpkin with a big crush on the first female he got to work with.

. She had warned him then not to fall for her, but when did he ever listen?
Just about as good as when he warns her about not breaking into a building.

The smile fell off Lois’s face as she quickly reviewed all the horrible, insensitive, mean, petty, and vindictive things she had ever said and done to Clark since she had met him.
Well, you say ‘I love you’ in a thousand little ways. Same goes for saying ‘I don’t love you’.

She saw him standing there holding her coat and she exploded, grasping her coat out of his hands. How dare he! How dare he love her! He deserved so much better than her. “Stop it, Clark! Just stop it,” she pleaded under her breath.
shock Can they fire her for that? Or can she just say that it’s the time every four weeks when she eats extra chocolates?

“He doesn’t deserve it any more than I do.”
smile / frown

Maybe she had realized what he had: resistance was futile.
Oooooh!, Lois as the Borg Queen! Could explain her intensity and obsession with perfection.

So, he was trying to comply with her wishes. It was the hardest, most painful task of his life – not showing Lois that he loved her by doing little things for her.
So, each little thing he now consciously does not do is a little thing in showing her he loves her?

Correction: Lois had told Clark that she would be Superman’s companion. What had been her exact words? ‘I’m available.’
I had to go and check. And oh boy, in the episode it sounds so innocent. And on paper here, in the quote, it sounds like Lois is available to Superman’s Companion, as in Companion from Firefly.

Actually, wooing Lois as Superman was still a temptation he hadn’t ruled out yet. A last straw effort should Luthor start to become serious with her.
Yes. That’s going to go over well. /wonders if he will blow up as Superman in her face instead of…well… you know/ Hmmm… This does sound familiar… Hmmm… Oh…right… duh!

Clark still had hopes that this mess was of Luthor’s doing, but he doubted even Luthor would have approved of Super-clone’s obsession with his girlfriend.
Because if it’s Lex, then there’s only *one* crazy megalomaniac out there?

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I go by Michael on the Archives.