For once he was so engrossed in what he was reading that when she joined him he didn’t acknowledge her beyond a friendly smile before returning to the story.

Couple Renews Vows Despite Alzheimer’s.
<waits for scathing Lois remark>

“Stories like this give me hope,” he explained.

“I’m glad Superman gives you hope, Lois, but some of us need to get our good news elsewhere, even if it’s a chuckle from Cat’s Corner or following someone’s search for love in the Personals.”
Awww! So Clark!

Her smile must have been catching because Clark returned it, reminding her why she had found him so attractive in the first case.
Oooh! <smiles>

But she was dating Lex Luthor now and she worked with Clark. He was her best friend and that was too important for her to risk for some mere flirtation.
Awww. frown

She sighed. Rule number three.
<gently reminds Lois that she has broken that rule, and that Clark is not a louse like Paul and Claude.>

“Every day. Every part. Especially the corrections. I like to know if I ever make a mistake,” he replied, taking a sip of coffee. “It’s important to me.”
Love how this has a deeper meaning. He can't afford to make mistakes as a reporter...or as Superman.

“I don’t. Not in print, at least,” she amended so not to sound holier-than-thou.
Um, you're dating *Lex* Lois. <shakes head>

She wrapped her arm around his to hopefully relay to him that she still considered him her best friend.

“For two people in the news business you are oblivious to real life, aren’t you?”
<laughs, nearly chokes on a sip of wine, decides to hold off drinking anymore until this story is over>

Lois harrumphed. “Oh, God. Not another commercial holiday. Didn’t we just suffer through one of those last month?”

Lois balled her fist and punched him in the jaw, sending him stumbling towards the vending machines.

Correction: his worst day was several days earlier when Lois told him outright to give up on ever having her return his love and Clark had to let go of a part of himself. But today was in his top ten and rising quickly.

He held his lone coffee cup in his hands, feeling incomplete for not having gotten her one.
So sad and so lovely all at once.

Seeing the two Supermen together, on the back lot of Metro Brothers Studios

but he doubted even Luthor would have approved of Super-clone’s obsession with his girlfriend.

Like adding oil to water, their co-workers flowed away from her as she zeroed in on her favorite punching bag. He sighed, waiting for her wrath to fall.

“Where in the hell have you been?” she thundered.

What whole thing? he wondered. For once he wasn’t up to playing Mr. Nice Guy. “Who says I’m not allowed to have a bad day every once in a while?” he fired back. “You don’t have a monopoly on them, you know.”

“Clearly,” she growled and then he saw something fold inside of her as her voice softened. “Who are you? I want my Clark Kent back.”
Love this whole exchange.

“Kent!” Perry roared. “My office. Pronto!”
Oops! He's in trooooouble!

“No… uh… No, you’re not,” the Chief said, sitting down at his desk.
jawdrop <claps>

Clark took the phone out of her hand and said to the billionaire, “She’ll be busy.” Then he hung up.
<more wild clapping>

Just a little kiss to show her that his love wasn’t that of a sibling.

And that he would be repeating this kiss later on, privately.
Oooh! <hopes author has plans to let us readers in on that action>

Clark smiled. “I thought it was about time for a grand gesture.”
<happy sigh>

Ack! That was sooooo lovely! What a great, WAFFy little tale! Please, please give us a chapter 2. smile

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon