Back again, and once more thank you all very much for your terrific comments! smile I hope that at least some of you will have been happy with the minor WHAM in this section...

What??? Huh? Can this be? Tank, Saskia, the usual people who call for WHAMs... no cheers? No yelling for more? No hoping that the two would-be lovers are separated for ever?

/me feels Tank's and Saskia's foreheads wink

Oh well - at least metwin1 liked the WHAM! goofy

Metwin1 has a small query about my Pygmalion analogy:
Unlike the film version? This is exactly what happened in the film version. If I didn't remember wrongly, Henry Higgins never intended to claim Eliza for himself right from the start. His offer to teach Eliza came about because of a challenge
Sure, just as Lois's offer to take Clark shopping and improve his image came about because of Martha's prodding. Lois never realised that she wanted Clark for herself (or, perhaps more truthfully, she was in denial about it). The analogy was between Higgins realising, as the film progressed, that he wanted to claim Eliza for himself, and Clark thinking that Lois would never have wanted that.

Sherry, thank you for wanting to throw stuff at Lois! laugh I love it when stories evoke those kind of reactions in readers. Terrific! I wonder whether you'll still want to throw things at her as the rest of the story progresses?

Lots of you, I see, want Clark to throw things at Martha. wink Kathy's response was typical:

Oh, Martha, you are SO dead! LOL! I'd kill her and I think Clark may have something to say on the subject, too.
LOL!! Oh, and Kathy, I'm still blushing at your post. And I've gone back to read it again about six times, too! <g> Thank you!

So will Clark confront Martha over her interference? You think I'll answer that one now? Not a chance!!

But to those of you who saw Lois's determination to go get her man as a sign that we might see a man-hunting Lois prowling the corridors of the Daily Planet, seeking out the object of Clark's affection with a mission to identify and destroy... be warned that there are only two instalments left. wink I see that Kathy's already recognised that:
Go Lois, go Clark, go Wendy! I want part 9! (And 10 and 11 and ... oh wait, only 10 parts? Nope, gotta write some more. <g>)
ROFL!! Too late - this is already finished. <g>

Anyway, Part 9 coming up very soon. Thanks again, everyone - and Raquel and Sas, I'm glad you had great birthdays.

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*