Glad you guys enjoyed episode two.

Mayson has already seen Lois with Shadow, in the police station when Clark jumped out the window. After telling Mayson off, Lois grabbed Shadow's halter and stormed out. So would Mayson be so baffled to see Lois with a dog again?
Oops. My bad. For some reason, I forgot that they had seen each other at the police station. And Clark hadn't had Shadow yet during the confrontation at the Daily Planet. Thanks for pointing that out.

Oh, no! Mayson's going to die and everyone going to think... well, if they knew that she was blackmailing / extorting CK... he'd be suspect #1!
Oooo... Interesting idea. And maybe Mayson told someone at the DA's office that she knew something incriminating about Clark that he didn't want her to reveal. Of course, they would feel morally obligated to pass that information on to the police - especially since Clark was the one holding the body when she was exploded.

Sometimes, fanfic is just so much more satisfying than the tv show itself, and this story demonstrates that so well.
Thank you so much. I'm actually looking forward to the day when technology gets to the point where we can turn our stories into episodes. Wouldn't that be fun?

I know, it can look like just an attempt to get more Lois & Clark action... blush
No. No. I would never think that. laugh

Anyway, thanks for the comments. Enjoy you're 'satified end of episode feeling' because as of midnight tonight... I intend to shoot it all to hell. wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane