goofy )

I liked the tie-in to Lois's Faraday leaks, how she realized earlier in the story that they came out when she was emotional and now she's honed in on exactly why. Great idea to have her know the answer to their problem all along and just not be able to access it!

I also liked L&C's conversation about Perry knowing "unofficially". I agree with Clark that it will be easier to not slip up by keeping it unspoken between them. Nice. thumbsup

As for Mayson ... oh, Mayson, you are such a disappointment. I really believed she wasn't evil, but her willingness -- if not eagerness -- to reveal Clark's secret after all his successful rescue, let alone her immediate thought that he would have just let her die tells me otherwise. Well, OK, maybe not evil, but clearly she is very in touch with her dark side. Let's hope she'll wise up after continued exposure to L&C and will see the errors of her ways.

One minor possible continuity question at the very end of the story, though --
“Why?” she finally asked, her eyes alighting on Clark, even as she realized that Lois, sporting one hell of a black eye, was now approaching the scene with... a dog?
Mayson has already seen Lois with Shadow, in the police station when Clark jumped out the window. After telling Mayson off, Lois grabbed Shadow's halter and stormed out. So would Mayson be so baffled to see Lois with a dog again? I'd be willing to believe she was just shaken up by the car bomb, but the fact that she was so quick to ask why Clark didn't just let her die to protect his secret makes me think she's thinking pretty clearly. Anyway, minor thing, but something that caught my attention.

So ... episode three starting tomorrow? Pretty please with a dog biscuit for Shadow on top? laugh
