Wow. That was packed full of a-plot goodness. I'm glad that Marcus was willing to give Clark a chance to explain himself and that it led Lois and Clark back to Liet and Munch.

The characterizations are so good in this story - specifically how Clark paused before going into check out the CostMart. In such a subtly brilliant way, you show how Clark is the cautious one and Lois is diving in without checking the water level. However, with the change in circumstances, Lois has also learned to read Clark a little better by noticing and taking serious his concerns even before he voiced them. Maybe losing his sight has made Lois more observant of non-verbal communication.

I love this Lois. This story may be an adaptation of a season 2 plot, but this Lois has the emotional maturity of a season 4 Lois. I love the way Clark totally ignored Mayson's threats and that Lois understood that he was asking for her permission. Boy, he sure did learn fast that they make relationship decisions together.

Oh, and I enjoyed the snub to Mayson as well. She may think that she has power over Clark, but she really has nothing to hold over him. First she wanted his love, then his obedience. Now what has she got?

Can't wait for more.