clap clap clap Fantastic! I loved the ending with Ivy and Zelos/Envy (made me laugh). Perfect way to end it- and leaves me wondering about the sequel (and the epilogue, too)! Can't wait for more!
Or that he would have learned about his home planet of Krypton or that he had been married when he was a… Oh, damn!
laugh Yes, Lois. You pushed him to the wedding and never let him get a word in edgewise, and well... he did seem skittish about being intimate with you...
“Do you have a voice inside your head telling you what to do?” she asked curiously. “An annoying, sometime nagging, very horny voice telling you things at inappropriate times?”

Hey! I resemble that remark.
laugh laugh Perfect!
Zelos’s eyes were more luminescent than she had ever seen them. “You stay here, Ivy, and I will have Zeus turn me into something that can kill that man. Then, you’ll be mine again.”
shock Great, great, great twist!!! Love it!
“You never listen!” He shook his head shooting her once last glare with his glowing green eyes. “Clark’s not invincible, Ivy, merely invulnerable. I’ll be something that can take away his aura, leaving him quite vulnerable. I – on the other hand – will always be invincible!” Zelos roared, flying out of the honeymoon suite with a sonic boom.
I feel like there should be a "Mwah-ha-ha!" somewhere in there... I imagine that's what you said when you were writing this. I repeat, can't wait for more!

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain