All right, my Internet is back up, so hopefully things will go a bit more smoothly now!

Glad you're still enjoying it, Mozartmaid! I was afraid that the amount of time it took to get answers would make people frustrated and (shudder) cause them to stop reading. So, anyway, I'm delighted that you're still involved and enjoying it!

Vicki, you're right about what Lois realized. And I apologize because I really never meant that paragraph to be a big deal, which made it a bit fun to read the feedback. I hope it wasn't too disappointing. huh Thanks for commenting!

Love your detailed speculation, EvelynC! Yes, Lois has been through quite a lot--enough to put the rest of us in a hospital bed, I suspect wink --and realizing that CK=SM is quite a leap for her to make. But...soon. smile

Sorry about the slow torture, Deadly Chakram. smile Hopefully, it's at least a pleasurable pain, anyway? wink

Thanks so much, Lynn! blush And more than one Superman out there? interesting idea. smile

I know it seems like it, Morgana, but I really haven't forgotten Jimmy!

Thanks, scifiJoan. Writing Lois's slow transferral--or is that 'realization'--of love to Clark is one of the best things about writing this story!

Thanks, Vicki! And you're right about the shaving, but Deadly Chakram's right in that a little ambiguity's always good. I read somewhere that a writer is never supposed to write as much as he/she really knows, that they're always just supposed to leave a tiny bit unclarified. Easily misused, I imagine, but I keep it in mind. smile

Love your comments, Sira! Can't answer too many questions, but thanks for the feedback!

Thanks, everyone, for telling me what you think of the story! Glad you're all enjoying!