O...kay. So I was wrong about what she believed. I thought she finally believed what Clark had been telling her. But no, she still thinks everything he said was crazy-talk. So, what did she believe? I went back and re-read, and I think I get it now.
Unsatisfied, still feeling that at any moment blood would start seeping from a wound he didn't yet realize he had, I tore open his coveralls and stared disbelievingly at the t-shirt beneath. <...> Needing to convince myself, I ran my hands over his chest again and again before finally realizing that he had not been shot. <...> "You're okay," I whispered--to him and to myself. "You're okay."

And only then, with his hand caressing my hair, did I finally believe.
If I'm reading this right, she thinks he's been shot but doesn't realize it. She searches for a wound; she knows what she heard and saw. Finally, she allows herself to believe that Clark is alive and hasn't been shot.

No eureka moment. No "Clark is Superman." (Breaths sigh of relief on that one) No "Clark was telling me the truth about Superman." grumble Not even, if I read it right, "Clark is in love with me." Just "Clark wasn't shot." Right?

The good thing about all of us reading too much into this passage is that, now that I know what was meant, I absolutely MUST have more! I'm compelled to keep reading. I know it's coming. If not now, soon. It's just one chapter away. Or two. Or three. Aaaaaah! When, Lois? WHEN??!!!

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster