I had promised myself that I wasn't going to do any quoting here, but I couldn't resist this:

Something took my heart in a tight hold as I stared back at him, something that made colors seem brighter, edges seem sharper, and days seem both longer and shorter and altogether infinitely more worth living. Something that made it hard to breathe and stilled the dizzy swirl the room seemed to want to travel around me.
What elegant, eloquent prose!

In this part, Lois' subconscious mind is shouting at her conscious one that CK=S, but she is still in denial. I wonder for how long? Will "Superman's" doing what I had figured he would do -- not turning Nigel and the henchman in (and, presumably, returning them safe and sound to Lex) be the clue that will finally tell Lois that something is seriously amiss and that 'Superman' is not all he appears to be?

I would guess that part 14 will tell...


p.s., I had a really wild idea: What if there is more than one superclone? One whose alliance is 100% with Lex and another who has started to be a bit more independent and who is, at minimum, fond of Lois. This is probably way off the wall. But if this isn't a story that contains multiple super-clones, perhaps someone should write such a story. It would be interesting.