"We're still in the cell, Lois--it's just bigger now."
That's what I was afraid of. Lex is still hamstringing Clark.

A sudden whoosh was the only warning I had before a warm hand landed on my shoulder and a smoky voice sounded in my ear. "Can I give you a hand, Clark?"
Big Brother (or Little Clone, as the case may be) was definitely watching. frown

"Please be careful, Lois. If Luthor is the enemy as you say, then it's not safe for you to go out. I'm protecting you now, but I could never live with myself if any harm came to you."
Fascinating. The words sound good, but I wonder whether they are sincere. Is the clone on Lex' side, or is he really thinking independently?

the quilt of memories
I like that metaphor.

Why couldn't I ask him what one thing he had remembered? Ask it, I commanded myself, and opened my mouth. "How did you get this amnesia?"
I love the way she is dancing around the one question she most definitely wants to ask. So true to life.

Little lies--but I always try to do what I said anyway, so it's not as much of a lie."
I've never seen that idea presented before, but it does sound like something Clark would say. I could just imagine him joining the Cheese of the Month club after he made that flimsy excuse, just to assuage his guilt. But that does make me wonder what prescriptions he might need. Maybe he just picked up some OTC meds instead. He would probably need some aspirin and the like to stock his medicine chest for appearance's sake, in any event. Not to mention he would probably have such meds just in case Lois ever needed them while she was visiting him.

Another excellent part. Looking forward to part 10.
