Oh my goodness! So it MUST be a clone! Just breaks my heart to see Clark--unable to explain, and seeing Lois so overjoyed at having 'Superman' come to their rescue. Great job with the meaningful glances and hidden meanings in the Clark/'Superman' exchanges, and the veiled threat to Clark's parents... And yet--why did the clone help at all? Is this another dark trick by Lex -- to have Clark watch someone else do what he was born to do?

This broke my heart a little more:
At first tentatively and then desperately, Clark slipped his arms around my waist and hugged me close, burying his head in my hair. "Please, Lois," he whispered in a broken voice. "I don't like hospitals. Please, just...help me get to Perry's. I just..." His voice faded until it was almost inaudible. "I need to see the sun."

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink