Thanks, everyone, for encouraging me with this story. I was concerned that it'd be a bit redundant since I mostly use dialogue straight from the episode, so I'm very glad you all liked it and found it interesting.

That stage of their relationship--though nowhere near as sweet and cool as when they're really together--is so compelling and intriguing. I'm glad you think I did it justice.

BrenRen, I don't know what to say. blush I've never been so complimented in my life--it definitely made my day. Now, I just hope the other parts don't leave you disappointed. And I, too, really admire the way he went beyond the love-at-first-sight into knowing everything about her and trying to do all he could for her happiness. So glad you enjoyed it--thanks!

Most of the time, I hate love triangles, but this one--a love triangle built for two, as I believe someone called it--is just amazing, definitely the best love story ever. I'm glad I managed to capture a bit of that. Clark is an incredibly complex character, so thanks for the comment about doing justice to his thoughts. I try not to write something from the show unless I can add to it.

I've always felt Clark received too much criticism for not telling her earlier. After all, if he had told her from the beginning, we wouldn't have the show we all love. smile I wanted to explain a bit of why he couldn't tell her--so glad you agree!

The Witness is my favorite first season episode, so I'm delighted that you liked the part so well. That scene is definitely one of the best--and I catch my breath too.

Thanks, everyone, for reading and commenting. I appreciate your thoughts and help.