
I think I'm the one gasping for air here! This was stunning! This piece breathes a whole new life, and and even greater, deeper intensity into the love Clark has for Lois--particularly at this relatively early stage of their relationship. I think it's sometimes easy to underrate his feelings for her, for the way he fell so fast and so hard. Love at first sight is wonderful, but it's the time invested in really learning who that person who's capture the heart really is that gives such a love it's real meaning, and I think this story showcases that process for Clark beautifully.

In fact, I think this should be required study-material for anyone thinking about writing a Clark-loves-Lois story! Amazing-well done! Brava!

clap clap clap

Just gotta highlight my favoritest parts...

But you know what, Lois? No matter how I pretend falling for you was done so fast I didn't have a chance to catch myself, I know deep down that I *chose* to love you. I saw you giving your life away in favor of uncovering the crimes of Metropolis and providing a better tomorrow, and I sensed someone who cares as much about injustice and cruelty as I do. I heard you denouncing the terrible acts that steal lives and hope and your tears as you confided in me how your heart had been broken. I felt your spirit shining through every one of your actions and your loneliness when you went home alone every night. And I looked at you--the woman that embodies all of that and a million more facets--and I *decided* to love you. Attraction can be ignored or denied or squashed, but I let mine for you grow and flower and put down such deep roots that now I don't think I could uproot it even if I wanted to.
I think I feel tears pricking my eyes. This is just too beautiful!

And this part is, without question, one of the best bits of fic I've ever read:
"Okay, I won't," I vow solemnly, swearing myself eternally to you. "I'm here. I'm right here," I say for Clark. "I'm right here," I say again for Superman.
Repeating himself to "speak for Superman" is just such a beautiful idea! I love it!
clap clap clap

Love and hot fudge,
Bren Ren