mishmishat Thanks for your FDK. I enjoyed the bit in the park, too. Thanks for the offer of a cookie! I'll *try* to post the next part tonight. smile If not, first thing Friday morning, because it's going to be a big weekend - Hawthorn are playing in a final, and it's hubby's birthday.


dum dum dum.... ominous drum music...
laugh I promise Superman and Ultra Woman will get through the wedding with only tiny problems - one extremely small part of the body, one piece of green pebble, and a few mini devices.

Evelyn I thought many of you would recognise the tune to the Hawk theme song. Thanks, Evelyn.

DW Mayson's big problem is that so far she has pitted herself against Clark. But (as we all know!) Clark with Lois is stronger than Clark alone!


Bob The scene in Gazza's home was Deja Vu's idea!

Regarding our liability laws - Lynn and I were discussing this the other day. I put something in a part and she said it wouldn't happen in the USA.

Thanks for the Puffing Billy story.

AnkKS Thanks for dropping by and letting me know you're reading. I'm so glad you're enjoying the ride.


And the sad part is, one doesn't even know if Clark's just playing ignorant or if he's completely aware that she's just using Lex.
I think Clark might have more interesting things to think about than the machinations of Mayson's mind.

Thanks for the (as always) entertaining FDK, Michael.

As I said above, I'll try to post 45 tonight. Failing that, first thing tomorrow morning.
