I loved the scene outside of Gazza’s home but to be honest my favorite exchange was inside with Gazza:
"Are you going to lure her back to America?"

"I don't think so."

Gazza whistled. "I hope you like flying."

"I do."
After this scene:
"Did you know Puffing Billy is a steam train?" she asked. "Before today?"

Clark chuckled and swept back her hair. "Not a clue," he said. "But as soon as you said we would be together, I knew I would enjoy it."

"And did you?"

"It was great. I was a bit concerned at first about sitting with our legs out of the train windows, but once I realized it was safe, it was fantastic."
I have to share my own Puffing Billy experience. In 1999 I was in Melbourne and my host took a few of us to ride Puffing Billy. We got on the train and it seemed like every window had people with their legs hanging out. In fact, I swear I remember kids sitting on the windows so that they were outside and only their legs were inside the train. I commented to my host that in the US the train wouldn’t move until everyone got off the windows. When he asked why I answered, “Liability!” His response was, “We have sensible laws here.” smile

Finally, as for Mayson, there’s this:
And, as a bonus, she wouldn't have to put up with Luthor any longer - for all his oily charm and excessive money, he really was a nauseatingly unimpressive little man.
While I tend to agree to some extent, she is misjudging him as badly as Lois did in S1.

And for the rest of Mayson's plans, that sounds like some crazy scenario she has for the wedding. I can’t wait to see how it unfolds. (explodes?)
