Preview of 30

"The more I hear about Mayson, the more convinced I am about being there," Lois said. "Which means I need a name. Do you have any suggestions?"

Clark grinned. "I have a *lot* of suggestions."

Lois looked at him in surprise. "Really? Such as?"

"Amazing Woman. Incredible Woman. Gorgeous Girl."

"I know this is being ultra cautious, but perhaps we should stay away from words beginning with 'A'. We don't want anyone to connect me with Australia."

"OK," Clark said. "How about Unbelievably Sensational Awesome Woman?"

She grinned. "Don't you think that's a bit of a mouthful?"

"Unique Superbly Alluring Woman?"

Lois chuckled. "Less is more, Clark."

"Ultra Sexy Woman?"

Clark had expected her to dismiss that idea instantly, but she considered it. "Ultra Woman?" she said thoughtfully. "Do you think that works?"

"Ultra Woman," Clark said. "That sounds good."

"OK," Lois said. "Ultra Woman it is."
