Iolanthe Smart alec or not, it was an amusing answer. Pity Clark couldn't use it!


Beneath the Southern Cross I stand
Sprig of wattle in my hand
Native of my native land
Australia ... you beauty

That is the victory chant of the Australian cricket team.

Thanks for the great pics, Ann.

Artemis I got a bit stuck on the phrasing because my BRs come from different parts of the USA and they used different terminology. I'm in Clark's POV, so I have Narelle call it a pergola, which for us is an outdoor room attached to the house.

From the pics I could find, both an arbour and a gazebo are usually not attached to a house???

I can't wait until Clark plays footy and kicks it into the stand. I'll put his right foot against Dan's left foot any day!
Agreed! Though for reasons that are not clear, left-footers are almost always better, longer, and more-accurate kicks. huh

And left-footedness does not always equal left-handedness.

Michael Yeah. I think the show left holes for us to fill as we saw fit. Lois didn't seem to have any female friends, did she? Or a life away from the Planet?

