Okay, sorry it took so long to get to this. I did write this up last week, but never managed to get online and when I did last night, I couldn’t find the file, so had to redo it.

I had to refrain myself from quoting the entire fic, it was so good, but I’m afraid I still managed to call out quite a lot in trying for just my favorite lines.

She tried to take deep breaths and think of how much safer she'd feel at Clark's. The last time she had shown up late at night after a death threat, he had given her a hug and made her a strawberry smoothie before letting her sleep on his couch.
This paints such a sweet picture and sounds very much like Clark. He’s a bit of a mother-hen that way.

"Shouldn't you lock that?" she asked. "I mean, this isn't exactly an upscale neighborhood and you've had break-ins before. I think you'd better lock the door."
I can actually hear her saying this in my head – too fast – and imagine Clark’s bemused expression.

Then she continued along the wall to check on his patio door. "I can't believe you leave this open, Clark. Anybody could get in here."
Completely unlike the window she routinely leaves open that’s large enough for a grown man to fly through…

"Clark, I am a professional reporter. This is not the first threat that I have ever received. These, these things they, they never pan out."
Well, that’s reassuring.

"Oh, I, I, I mean, oh, if, well, if it would make you feel better than I, I guess that…"
It’s so magnanimous of Lois to spend the night to make Clark feel better.

"A first kiss means nothing to you?" he asked in disbelief.
Boy scout Clark.

I loved the whole back and forth over what happened in the honeymoon suite. That was exactly the type of teasing I was hoping for and you did it so, so well.

Did he think that she was a stingy sore loser who probably wandered around naked in her lonely apartment? He didn't think she was exciting or dangerous. He thought she was pathetic.

And I loved the end. Completely wasn’t expecting it, but it was perfect. Just like the rest of this.

Thank you again, Sue!