You were right; this episode had a lot of potential to explore and I really liked what you did with it. I enjoyed seeing a slightly more paranoid Lois and loved, loved Clark's teasing.

the obfuscation that still cracks me up
Khoh, khah ... khoh, khah. Regardless of what the Captain did or didn't do, the bickering in your story is NOT pointless. wink

Now for some of my favorite lines...

Lois glanced over her shoulder, half-expecting to see Griffin lurking in the gloom of the poorly-lit hallway behind her.
This was a great line. It really helped me to feel Lois' paranoia.
There's all sorts of sickos out there. Peeping Toms. Curious neighbors. Vindictive psychotics with a grudge.
This is such a very Lois thing to say. I can just imagine her breezy, dismissive tone of voice and Clark's confused expression as her true concern pops out at the end.
"Tell me," he prompted. "Maybe I can help."

Lois nodded and took a deep, shaky breath. "He called me. Griffin called me."
And this right here is a perfect example of Lois and Clark's friendship. Lovely.
She couldn't say he was dangerous. At least, not with a straight face. Occasionally, though, there were times when her hormones found him dangerously appealing.
drool Me, too. And I love it when Lois admits that to herself.

The whole first/serious kiss and 'nothing happened' conversation was fun, as was traipsing through Lois' insecurities.

Lois' confession about the sheets in the honeymoon suite was perfect and I absolutely adored Clark's response. He didn't make fun of her, but sincerely wanted to know what her experience was. I can't help but think that in his own way, Clark would have liked to try the sheets out as well. After all, he never did get his turn in the bed. wink

A very nice story, Sue. Thanks for sharing it.