I more meant that he stopped counting when he realized the alcohol was affecting him. Does that work better?

Dunno, but the idea that Clark would try and succeed was both an amusing and sexy idea to me.
Very sexy.

Eh ... I don't know. I *do* know that eating while drinking keeps the alcohol from being so concentrated, but whether one feels hungry while drinking ... ?? Mostly I figured that Clark is Clark whether he's drunk or not. And it's canon that he *likes* to eat.
Yes, Clark likes to eat. Isn’t it interesting that I’ve worked with alcohol (and drug) addicts for years and don’t know these things. I guess I know more about the aftermath.

A/N was my own special acronym for Author's Note. I
Oh, I’ve seen it before. I’m just dense sometimes. (Ask Mellie.)

Nag. I do *not* nag. I make one simple, polite request for my story prompts and I'm labeled as a troublemaker...
Just teasing (guess you knew that) because it turned out so well. You weren’t the only “nagger”. I actually thought it was great because it meant you naggers were really excited to write a story. laugh

As for the goat and the inside joke ... Sue had suggested that we beta each other's stories for the ficathon so I *had* to tell her *something*. So I fed her some false information and then tried to write as fast as my little muse would allow.
That’s so funny!

Re: The cherry stem -- This is a sexual reference. The joke is that anyone who could control their tongue well enough to tie a cherry stem in a knot would be an outstanding kisser. (Well, that's the PG version, but I'm sure you can take it to its logical conclusion
Hehe... Thanks, Kathy. I actually got that. (And thought of some Sue fics.) I just wondered if anyone could actually do it. Apparently so - including Sue.

On the rare occasions now when I get a sundae or something that comes with a cherry on top, I still do it. Next time you're in my neck of the woods, Nancy, I'll show you.
I’ll take you up on that.

Again, a great, cute story, BJ.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~