But… but… where was the goat? You just wouldn't believe how much time I've mentally wasted trying to figure out how to get a goat into your story. :p

And, yes, you definitely knew I'd like this one because you've been teasing me since last spring about how you were going to write a Drunk!Clark story. And it's awesome! It's everything I could have hoped for and more! No, this was beyond awesome. This was freakin' fantastic! This was a validly (and utterly irresistable) Clark. I might as well just quote the whole story back because I loved every single syllable of it. <squees and clutches story to chest while chanting "mine, mine, mine!"> smile1

I love your writing style so much. I love the banter and the flow and the pace of all your stories. You write so many vivid little details that the characters come alive for me. whinging Lois' reaction to Clark was also touching and funny at the same time. I loved how she judged how drunk he was by the pile of fruit rinds and plastic swords he had accumulated.
Lois swallowed the temptation to answer flippantly. Clark had been more than generous in the past. The least she could do is to be honest with him. “Looking for a friend, I guess. We are still friends, aren’t we Clark?”
See, that's what I mean vivid details. In a short paragraph we get a good sense of their relationship and what she hopes it still is. And then you give us this one:
“Blind spot?” she asked incredulously. Although his facial expression was full of concern, not anger, this conversation was starting to sound suspiciously familiar. Regardless of her level of complicity in the wedding fiasco from hell, she yanked her hand away, feeling defensive. “Don’t patronize me, Clark. I know my own mind.”

He watched her eyebrows draw down stormily and he waved his arms around. “Whoa, whoa, hang on. No fighting! My brain is mush and I can’t compete. Next week, fine, but tonight is off limits. We’re celebrating and that’s that.”
That's so realistic - she can't quite let go of all the times he warned her about Lex and she gets defensive. And his reaction is perfect; admitting that he's too drunk to verbally spar with her.
“Oh, God,” Lois moaned. “I knew telling you about Claude would come back to haunt me.”
Another line that was both poignant and funny at the same time. So was her observation about "Confucious Clark" and his "country zen wisdom". The cherry stem knot was hilariously sexy.

I loved how Lois slowly works up to telling Clark about her feelings. His reaction to her partial confession is another extremely poignant moment:
Clark opened his mouth to tell Lois that he already knew she’d stopped the wedding, but her final words made his head spin. It was obvious that even after refusing her affections, he’d been able to keep her from marrying Luthor. Well, not *him* him, but the other him. Surprisingly, he felt no jealousy. He was happy that even trapped in his Kryptonite prison, he’d been able to save her.
“I have another confession to make.” She lifted her head to look at him again. “It wasn’t Superman I was thinking about while I was walking down the aisle; it was you.”

She watched Clark’s eyes open wide in shock as her words filtered through his addled brain. Once they did, though, his resulting smile was so radiant that it made her stomach twist. She had a feeling that if she had been standing, her knees would have felt weak.
Yes! I'm sitting down and my knees are weak.

I just hope Clark's powers return before he wakes up so he doesn't have the mother of all hangovers. wink And, of course, that he remembers everything.

Thank you, Brenda! This was perfect and I love it, love it, love it! I'm woozy with delight. Thank you so much. You rock my world! sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis