Since I do drink, I can jump in to help answer some of the questions. wink

Re: The cherry stem -- This is a sexual reference. The joke is that anyone who could control their tongue well enough to tie a cherry stem in a knot would be an outstanding kisser. (Well, that's the PG version, but I'm sure you can take it to its logical conclusion. wink )

Re: Eating while drinking -- If you are hungover from being drunk, then you often don't want to eat because you feel queasy, headachey, etc. But in general, there's a reason restaurants like to have a liquor license -- when people drink, they like to munch, and when they munch on salty snacks, they get thirsty and order more to drink. And since drinking alcohol lowers your inhibitions, you're more likely to eat more junk (nachos, potato skins, and other "not very healthy but oh-so-tasty" appetizers) than you might otherwise. Plus, as BJ says, eating while drinking helps dilute the alcohol levels in your blood, so if you want to help sober someone up, don't give them coffee (they'll just be an awake drunk), give them food.

Re: The goat. Yes, someone participating in the ficathon got a goat as one of their prompts. Beyond that, no comment until my own ficathon story comes out. lol
