“A fifteen-year old boy is in critical condition, his mother is in shock, and his little sister can’t stop crying. There were witnesses, but they’re not talking. The officer I talked to said they’ve had half a dozen like this in the last week alone.”

“Sounds like a job for Superman,” Lois said sadly.
I can’t remember if this happened in Neverending Battle, but aww... poor Clark.

She’d caught sight of the evening edition’s headline – “Superman’s Back!”. She knew Clark had the byline. God, how did he do it?
Wouldn’t you like to know, Lois? wink

He was deliberately freezing her out.
Only till you learn that he can’t be pushed around.

She slammed a piece of paper down. Lois picked it up. On one side, it was clearly labeled – addressed to Lois Lane. On the other – Lois gasped as she saw a map with streets and arrows and directions. In the center, a large “X” was labeled, “Superman’s Spaceship”.
You know, whether it’s Lois or Lucy, it’s funny that either one of them would have looked for the “x marks the spot space ship” map. It shows just how eager they were to get to Superman. And also how awed they were.

raw sewage
She better go get some kind of shots. I’m sure she got exposed to something.

I think I must have been bitten by 10 million mosquitoes when I first moved to Puerto Rico. I guess then your body becomes accustomed or builds an immunity or something because after that it wasn’t so bad.

Cat got the last word. “Don’t worry, Lois. You can’t ruin what’s already ruined.”
Ewww... What a catty dig.

There was a curious excitement in knowing that she wasn’t protected, that with one step she’d fall thirty stories.
Good thing Lois doesn’t suffer from vertigo because something like this would set it off every time!

Great story!!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~