Thank you, everyone, for the feedback. smile

I'm glad you all bought my reasoning on Lois figuring Caleb out. I hope it doesn't ruin the Lois/Superman effect for Queenie. I think they can still have plenty of superpowered fun together.

Michael, just because Clark Kent has left town doesn't mean he's completely out of range for Lois Lane. evil

Now that I've thrown a complete wrench in the givens of Season One--Clark working at the Planet, Lois hero-worshipping Superman, Lex causing Lois to lose all common sense--I have to figure out where they go from here and how this story wraps up in a satisfying way after we have some fun exploring the Dating Superman possibilities. So if the posting pace slows down a little, it's because I've hit the 'okay, I got them together--now what?' stage.

Part 15 is back to the betas for rewrites. It should go up tomorrow. Thursday is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S., so Part 16 may have to wait until next week. After that, it may be closer to 2 parts/week rather than 3. If I can go that long without feedback--it is rather addicting. wink

This *is* my happily ever after.