Well, it works for me. smile I'm glad she figured it out as quickly as she did. Any longer would have sold her short (since she is Lois Lane, and Lois-Lane-the-natural-investigator knows that both Caleb Knight and Clark Kent are hiding their true identities, so she's going to be aware) but at the same time, it all felt like a very natural progression for her to clue in. So good pacing and plotting there. thumbsup

And I completely buy her reason for keeping her discovery to herself for the time being. Caleb made it clear he was happy to have an identity without baggage, so this really is the best of both worlds -- Lois gets to put things together in her own mind without being upset at him for keeping his name from her, while Caleb gets to relax and enjoy his anonymity without feeling pressured to come clean. It actually might even help their relationship develop, since Lois can stop looking for clues and just enjoy what they have together. smile

I'm still getting an ominous feeling about Luthor and what he might be up to; I can't wait to see where things will go from here on that front.

BTW, Caleb's slip of the tongue was hilarious! I laughed out loud, both at what he said and his reaction. Very cute. I think Clark's "party boy" experience has been incorporated into his true self a little more than he'd realized, LOL.
