I'm a bit behind on fic this week, but the positive side of that is getting to read two parts at once of this story. smile

As always, HG, another great chapter. I love how confident Clark is when it comes to his next "assignment" and how easily he's able to set up his new identity. Clearly he's done this many times before and has it down to a science. But is "Caleb" moving to Metropolis simply to court Lois? Or is he going to finally launch his Luthor investigation? I can't wait to find out!

“Well,” Lois thought as she hung up the phone, “He handled that better than I would have expected.” It wasn’t the first time she’d had that thought, she mused
One thing that's keeps hitting me in this story is that while Clark clearly has reasons to dislike his celebrity-author personality, from everything I've seen so far, he actually seems like a pretty neat guy. Yes, he has to attend fancy parties and give interviews and do the publicity rounds on the TV talk shows, but he's also an honest, savvy business man who has worked hard to craft his skills, both as a writer and an investigator. What about that is so bad? Yes, he's rich, but he's come by his money honestly and has presumably spent it responsibly. So what is it about himself that he dislikes so much? I'm looking forward to finding out more about what makes Clark tick. Maybe Lois won't only be his refuge from a celebrity lifestyle, but also his way back to being proud of Clark Kent. smile

Onto part 11, woo hoo! smile1
