we can't have smoochies *all* the time, can we?
Why not?! /me stamps foot. grumble

I'm sorry I didn't post fdk on part 9 before I read this one, but I did want to say ... "SMOOCHIES!!" I wasn't expecting you to get them together this early in the story, but I'm awfully glad that you did. sloppy

I enjoyed this part too, but am anxious for them to get back to more pleasurable activities.

I loved the fact that Luthor is now pursuing Lois, but she isn't returning his calls. Heh, turn-about is fair, don't you think? And the interaction with Jimmy regarding Caleb's phone message was cute.

Based on the clues that Clark handed to Lois during their second phone call (the forcefulness of his voice and his ease with handling the press/PR issue) and it really shouldn't take too long before she guesses who his alter-alter ego is, but I don't think it would really be that big of a deal, even at this point. She already knows all of his reasonings for playing a part and that he really doesn't like his public self. It might be fun for her to find out soon so that Clark and Lois can be seen dating publicly -- then Luthor can get jealous. laugh

At the beginning of this part, I was a little surprised at Lana's lack of curiosity in Clark and Lois' evening. She's known him a long time (and I'm assuming they dated in high school), but she didn't seem very interested in his reasoning for staying in Metropolis as Caleb Knight. Or maybe she already knows how things are going to turn out and you just didn't give us those clues. Of course, maybe I just don't know the characters as well as I think I do. I think I need more story. Can I have more please?

Is it Friday yet?