Delightful. I am really enjoying this AU. And it figures if Clark has been doing this, being a public figure, he'd have a handle on it.

Well done, looking forward to this Lois putting the clues together. BTW When does Mr. Knight re-start the investigation into Lex Luthor?

I can imagine that there will be some conflicts between the interests of Clark Kent and those of the Lane/Knight team.

I am looking forward to the first news piece Lois turns in where she feels her integrity requires her to share the byline with Caleb Knight.

Hopefully Perry won't even blink at the "Special assistance by" in the byline. I can picture the reaction of Lana and Pete.

Oh and
Originally posted by HappyGirl:
but, since this is the same world in which no one connects Superman with half of The Hottest Team in Town, I maintain that the entire population of this world suffers from some kind of facial recognition deficiency.
rotflol rotflol
