Ooh, nicely set up for the next part!! I like that he even said 'it's a date' and he can tell her honestly where he gets the Chinese food from too!

The interview brought up some interesting points actually. In the show, people (including Lois )were led to believe that Superman only just arrived on the planet, yet this Lois asked a lot of questions that no-one ever really asked in the show. When you think about it (which I'm sure you did!) it's surprising they didn't ask a lot of them. She did, as has been mentioned, ask him a lot more probing questions than mooney-eyed Lois did in her first interview with him. Of course, that is partly because this Lois had already had her interview, the hard-hitting one is just part of the cover she's now helping him with.

Clark raised a skeptical brow. “You don’t think at least one of the millions of people in Metropolis will notice a man in a garish suit carrying a beautiful reporter through an open window several stories up?”
I think it's funny him referring to the suit as 'garish.' I'm surprised he agreed to it, but I suppose compared to some of the others Martha created it's relatively tame!

“That’s up to you. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. But I’m not going to throw you softballs. This is going to be a real interview; I don’t do puff pieces.”
I thought to myself for a second 'but you've already interviewed him!' Then I remembered that although Lois knows Superman is not really Superman (not all the time at least) she doesn't know Clark Kent is Superman etc! She just knows a bit of the man in between, or underneath! Still so many revelations to come, making it such an interesting twist.

“Like what? Fighting for truth and justice?”

The corners of his mouth twitched. Lois was pretty good at this inventing a hero business. “You could put it that way if you like.”

“I am a man, Ms. Lane.” Was Lois imagining things, or was she meant to take that comment on more than one level?
Oh yes Lois, just like in the show, subtly suggesting this time that he has all the 'parts' of a man!

“No. I am more of a…refugee. My people didn’t want me.” He said it calmly, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, but Lois caught the pain that hovered beneath the surface of his steady gaze.
Of course he doesn't know yet the planet exploded does he, he's only just learned he's from Krypton.

“I haven’t found anything yet that I couldn’t lift. The Prometheus is the largest object I’ve lifted so far.”
I suppose giving the space station a boost was quite a leap for him really. Up to that point it's unlikely he'd been close to doing anything like that. It could have backfired, as could swallowing a bomb, it's not as if he'd ever had cause to test that out! There's a big difference from seeing if he can lift a few cars, the freezer etc!!

“Also, I can heat objects with my eyes and cool them with my breath.”
laugh The heat-vision and freezing breath are very bizarre sounding when put like that!!

“This is Superman’s first interview.”

“But not yours? Interesting…”

“I didn’t say that.”
Nice way of sticking to his not-quite-lying!!

“Does the phrase ‘Mad Dog Lane’ mean anything to you?” she shot back.

“You’d better cut it out, Lois; I’m supposed to be walking out of here with my stern Hero Face on. How am going to do that if you keep making me smile?”
I like the nice, easy, rapport you've created. It's unusual to see Lois (L&C Lois anyway) with that kind of rapport with Superman rather than Clark. Of course, Clark as we know him doesn't really exist in this story - well he does, but only when he's not playing at being one of his many alter-egos. Ultimately he's the same guy really - hence the title to the story!!

Lois had her hand on the conference room’s doorknob when Clark thought of one more thing. “Hold on a minute, Lois.” She turned to face him, and he asked, “Can I see a copy of the interview before it goes to print?”
I like his quick reality-check here, when he suddenly remembers the kind of caution he has to exercise as Clark Kent, and how easily that fades around Lois.

Looking forward to the date!

Em smile

"There's a fine line between brilliance and lunacy" - CK to LL(Madame Ex)