Oh, I've been meaning to respond to this part for a while now. I'm so glad to see you back with this story and I'm hoping that RL will let you stick with it -- especially with *that* ending. grumble

Reading your stories is always a pleasure. Your sense of humor really tickles my fancy. Such as ...
He was really starting to… well, *strongly like* having her in his space.
Well, as long as you're being honest with yourself there, Clark. /me rolls eyes.

The conversation between Lois and Clark in the barn was great. It was real and honest, which is an amazing accomplishment, especially for these two. Of course you ripped the rug out from under them with Sam's untimely return and the angsty non-goodbye. I was about to call you all kinds of evil until you brought in Perry (which put a smile on my face) and you brought Lois back to the farm for a proper goodbye kiss.

Please, please, please post more soon. Tomorrow, yes?