Hello, everyone.

Yes, this was a very short part. Right about the time that the idea for “Encountering Talent” showed up, this blindsided me. Back when I finished 100 Meters, I had no idea at all what was going to happen when Clark entered that window. A few weeks ago this (part 1) appeared with a Catch-22. Now I knew what happened, but the nature of the answer was that it did me no good without the rest of the story. That’s why I referred to this as having been “found on the floor.” Until I had something else, I couldn’t do anything with this part.

This is the smallest of the five parts that will make up Distance. The divisions and the posting approach are so that a reader has the opportunity to experience the story in a manner similar to the way the story developed for me. The story really isn’t long enough to justify being split into five parts, but that is the way it was created and I wanted to offer that part of the experience.

Cliffhanger endings. Yes, well, about that...

My muse is surprisingly tolerant. At least so far...

Language… Yes, this language was there when part 1 arrived. I guess it’s not that strong but in the context of the scene, it carried more edge than I am normally used to seeing. (It’s certainly stronger than I normally write.)

The anger showed up in 100 Meters. The epiphany that led to this continuation was that once the anger appeared there was no immediate “happy path" for when Superman entered her apartment. I’ve seen this in RL where grief will turn to rage for no better reason than a perfect set of wrong conditions. Lois knows that Superman didn’t “let Clark die.” The grief has simply found an outlet via rage. The interesting question is, what will *that* lead to? As for a more forceful Clark… Well, (in my opinion) he’s not that forceful to begin with and tonight he’s in as much a state of shock as Lois. What force of will he had left, he used up closing that distance to enter her apartment.

It might have been interesting if Clark was a bit more forceful. However, this was a meeting between angry Lois and confused (but determined) Clark.

And finally, I’ll admit to being a bit over-cute with this section. 100 Meters closes with:
I hope she’ll let me say three words. If she’ll listen for that long, we have a chance.
The point being that there is no happy path. Therefore, Clark never got to say three words.

At least not yet! :p

Thanks all. The next part will be up soon.
