Woohoo! Part two! And more wonderful description in the first few paragraphs. I want to spend time at that cabin! <G>

was a cabin all right, but it was Lois’s type of cabin. Modern, clean, and supplied with electricity, hot showers, and a flush toilet.
goofy Yup, that's our Lois all right.

This is Dan. Listen, I’m really sorry, but I won’t be able to make it up there until tomorrow.
Yay! Right, now all we need to do is find a well for Mayson to fall down and we're cooking with gas!

“Dan can’t make it up until tomorrow,” Clark explained, talking very slowly as if Lois had received news of some tragic accident and required very gentle handling.

Standing up, he brushed his hands on the front of his jeans. Taking a deep breath for courage, he turned around. He was ready. Ready!
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! <g> Loved him repeatedly trying to convince himself. LOL. Poor Clark, he has got himself into a fix, hasn't he?

It was another heartbeat. Lois’s heartbeat.
Ohhhhhhhhh. <sniffle> That's so waffy! And Lois to the rescue - even if she doesn't know it! laugh

Lois was a dream. Mayson was real. Warm and receptive and real. With a fierce determination, he wrapped his arms around Mayson’s slender frame and drew her against his chest. She pulled back slightly to look into his eyes, her own full of questions at his sudden fervor, and he lowered his mouth to hers with a new forcefulness, sinking them both deeper into the plush cushions of the sofa.
<shudder> Lois wake up!!

And oh how sorry I felt for Lois as she became an unintentional voyeur. I felt every moment of her humiliation and mortification and desperate wishing that it was her instead of Mayson. Every moment was so sharply etched in your words and on the screen. Amazingly powerful stuff, Lynn! Superb. I'm in complete awe of your talent. notworthy

Now...come back here you evil, bad author and stop Clark! I don't care how. Earthquake, typhoon, herd of stampeding elephants charging through the cabin...don't make me come after you with a two by four, you hear!

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers