Ohmigod. No no no no no. Clark, please don't do it. I read that entire installment with my arms wrapped around a pillow, burying my face in it to muffle my moans of dismay. eek

All along I kept telling myself that it's going to be okay, because I remembered this from Part 1:
It was the one part of himself that he couldn’t share with Mayson that kept him from sleeping with her. He couldn’t give her his heart. That part of his body was already taken.
Well, I'm still trying to tell myself that, although all of Clark's assurances to himself that he is "ready" aren't helping. Oh dear...I become way too emotionally involved in these stories, especially when the writing is so wonderful and well-crafted.

This is just fantastic, Lynn. Are you thinking about posting Part 3 any time soon, like within the next few hours? I'm not sure that we'll survive much longer than that. Indications are that Clark may not be planning to remain a very patient man for much longer, and certainly the readers on the mbs have no patience at all... smile


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5